Monday 21 January 2008

imageMenu updated (bug fixes)

imageMenu's been updated with a couple of bug fixes.

Now at version 2.1


Anonymous said...

how can i link the image to a page? when i click the image, it open the image but it does not redirect... the image just stayed opened. what i wanted to do is when i click the image it would load and the image will be pre selected... like i put href='?category=landscape'
then when it refreshes the page, the image landscape will be preselected and the new page is loaded..
can anyone help me please..
really like the image menu but im not so good with this..

Nelson said...

Is it possible to combine the imageMenu with an fx.slide so when a section of the image menu is clicked a div corresponding to the section would slide open and when a seperate section is clicked the opened div closes and a new one opens? I would love to implement something like that for one of the sites I am building but I am just beginning in javascript so I'm not sure how, any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks

João Carvalho said...

is it possible to make the images open to the left instead of to the right? like a 180º of what you have.

xanax review said...

slide so when a section of the image menu is clicked a div corresponding to the section would slide open and when a seperate section is clicked the opened div closes and a new one opens?